ダウンロード数: 211回
年度 : 2013年  
発表場所 : SQiPシンポジウム
紹介文 :
概要 :
This paper describes practical example of using Trac as a platform for empirical data collection in lightweight system development. Many project managers have used various metrics such as size, effort or number of bugs for software intensive system development. These metrics are vital for management although non-negligible cost is required for preparing effective combination of measurement tools, rules and continuous
monitoring to collect reliable data; however, small and medium-sized projects generally have not enough cost to do them because of the budget limitation. This paper describes example of low cost data collection in two systems development. The examples are small (2 personnel from a peak 4) and middle (26 development personnel from a peak period 80) sized projects to develop in-house enterprise systems. During 29 months, 10 basic metrics and 7 derived metrics regarding effort, size and quality were collected and used for progress
management, estimation, and quality assurance.