車載機器開発へのインクリメンタル反復開発プロセスの適用 ~不確実性の早期低減による新規開発の品質確保 ~
ダウンロード数: 179回
年度 : 2013年
発表場所 : SQiPシンポジウム
執筆者 :
蛸島 昭之(デンソー)
紹介文 :
概要 :
This paper proposes to introduce Incremental and Iterative Development process to a brand new automotive ECU software development, aiming at reducing the amount of uncertainty hiding inside a project. First, we clarify the challenges in a new software development with conventional Waterfall Development model and examine the effectiveness of Incremental and Iterative Development model for a new software development. Then, we verified that Incremental and Iterative Development model has
expected effectiveness for a new software development.
This paper proposes to introduce Incremental and Iterative Development process to a brand new automotive ECU software development, aiming at reducing the amount of uncertainty hiding inside a project. First, we clarify the challenges in a new software development with conventional Waterfall Development model and examine the effectiveness of Incremental and Iterative Development model for a new software development. Then, we verified that Incremental and Iterative Development model has
expected effectiveness for a new software development.