ダウンロード数: 146回
年度 : 2012年
発表場所 : SQiPシンポジウム
執筆者 :
勝又 淳(ソニーイーエムシーエス)
紹介文 :
概要 :
In order to survive ever-intensifying product competition these days, one of our most pressing needs is to meet the growing demand for quicker delivery of higher-performance / -quality and lower-cost embedded devices. However, our human, physical and financial resources are not necessarly abundant due to the prolonged economic downturn - in particular, the resources that can be allocated to derivative development is more limited compared with those allocated to new product
development. To respond to such a harsh environment surrounding the derivative development, we will adopt approaches from two different aspects - technical aspect (XDDP) and human management
aspect (SCRUM), which will allow us to develop higher-quality derivative embedded software at lower cost with less human resources.
In order to survive ever-intensifying product competition these days, one of our most pressing needs is to meet the growing demand for quicker delivery of higher-performance / -quality and lower-cost embedded devices. However, our human, physical and financial resources are not necessarly abundant due to the prolonged economic downturn - in particular, the resources that can be allocated to derivative development is more limited compared with those allocated to new product
development. To respond to such a harsh environment surrounding the derivative development, we will adopt approaches from two different aspects - technical aspect (XDDP) and human management
aspect (SCRUM), which will allow us to develop higher-quality derivative embedded software at lower cost with less human resources.